Dr Daisy talking all things health with the Secretary of State for Health and Social care, The Rt Honourable Matt Hancock MP Dr Daisy talking all things health with the Secretary of State for Health and Social care, The Rt Honourable Matt Hancock MP Dr Daisy talking all things health with the Secretary of State for Health and Social care, The Rt Honourable Matt Hancock MP Dr Daisy visiting Conservative Party HQ Dr Daisy with Maurice Bennett on an official visit to Beijing Dr Daisy at the BMA Annual conference 2014 Dr Daisy wtih Sir Nicholas Soames Dr Daisy with MPs on a visit to China Discussing e-cigarettes with Martin Stanford Dr Daisy with British Prime Minister Boris Johnson Dr Daisy with Jeremy Hunt Secretary of State for Health Dr Daisy with MPs on an official trip to China Dr Daisy with the British Ambassador to China outside the British Embassy Beijing Dr Daisy-BMA Annual Representative Meeting 2014 Dr Daisy on Sky News discussing the NHS and missed GP appointments Dr Daisy on Sky News discussing the NHS and missed GP appointments Dr Daisy with Zac Goldsmith MP and London Mayoral candidate. Dr Daisy at the British Medical Association(BMA) Annual Representative Meeting voting on health policy representing over 152,000 doctors in UK&Ireland Dr Daisy discussing health issues with Sadiq Khan Mayor of London